A Kids Book About Kindness


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For Ages 5+

Kindness is for everyone, and everyone can show kindness, every day!

Do you know what kindness is, really? Do you think being kind to someone means that you’re weak? Do you think you can't be kind to yourself? Here's a little secret…sharing kindness is one of the coolest things you can do! You're never too old, or too young, or too busy to be kind. Anyone can be kind to others, and to themselves, every day!

Jackson Cooper (he/him) is an arts leader and writer based in Seattle, Washington. He has 15+ years of experience working in the arts, producing over 100 live classical music concerts, theater performances, film retrospectives, and chamber music presentations. He holds an MFA from Seattle University. 

Hardback Size: 8in. x 10in.
ISBN: 978-1-958825-59-4
Printed in the USA

66 pages

Copyright 2023
Designed in Portland, Oregon

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