A Kids Book About Water


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For Ages 5+

Water is essential for life and it’s our job to protect it!

Water is a necessity for all life, from humans, to animals, to plants and trees! And this essential resource is limited—it’s our shared responsibility to treat it with care. Learn about what water is, where it comes from, why it’s so important, and how you can take action today to protect the water in your community and the world. Every drop counts!

Salvador (he/him) is a civil engineer whose career has always focused on water. He first designed systems to supply water in Africa and then managed projects to build water infrastructure in New York. Now, he implements technology to plan, design, build and operate water-related projects.

Hardback Size: 8in. x 10in.
ISBN: 978-1-958825-30-3
Printed in the USA

66 pages

Copyright 2023
Designed in Portland, Oregon

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Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Michael H.

I love this book! Making kids aware of the importance of water to people and the planet and the challenges we all face in taking care of this precious resource is so important. Salvador Bentolila does a wonderful job of bringing his expertise and years of expertise to the subject. He explains the value and risks so well. A pleasure!!

Mathews M.

I loved the book!!! So easy for any kid to read and more importantly truly understand the importance and impact that water has on everyone and everything around us. The illustrations and images were so relevant and conveyed so much. A great read I would recommend for any young child.

Christina M.

This is a great educational book for kids and adults alike. U.S. schools generally don’t teach the practical aspects of the world around us and this book illustrates the importance of water and how it affects us on a day-to-day basis.

Joshua S.

It's easy to take water for granted, which has resulted in humans polluting and depleting it. Salvador Bentolila's book reminds us of its importance and risks, simply and colorfully. Children and adults can learn from it. -Josh Spodek, podcast host, This Sustainable Life

Amy E.
Great book!

This is a great intro to a complex topic that makes water issues and facts easy to understand -- very cute and informative. Hopefully it inspires some future engineers to help us continue to work towards keeping our water abundant and clean!

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